Åh herregud.

Jag fick nyss ett mail från en okänd person. Men jag kan inte fatta att det kom vid rätt tidpunkt. Det finns verkligen änglar där ute..


I had a realization last night, and I'm sending this to everyone I have on my contact list.

We are not seperate from God

this is obvious


it goes deeper than just "We are one" etc

Not really, but I thought of a different way to look at it

How can we be "one"

if we have to pray

if we have to ask for things

I don't ask myself to walk

I don't ask myself to use the bathroom

I just go and do it

and no one feels bad

except maybe renaud cause he's always sayin HEY HURRY UP



The bible says to like... know that God has answered ur prayers

which is true


You can't ask yourself for help

You'll just...help yourself

God helps those that help themselves

it's so true, because he is us

and if we help ourselves, that's God helping us because he is us

and not only that

we can't ask God for help with our lives, to expect him to just help us, because... the thing is, that's insulting God, that's saying that we are seperate from him, that's saying it's only OUR lives, and we need HELP with it. No... it's his life too. We are one, He is Us, We are Him.

Our ambitions are his, and vice versa, because it's just like different personalies. Same person, but different sides.

The bible says the body is a temple, God lives inside it

If you look at it from this point of view, that means God is merged within us. And also he never was "unmerged" to be "merged" to begin with. He just always was us, and we never realized

          So therefore, think not that you will fall. Know everything will be okay, because it just will be.                    Don't question why everything will be okay. Well you can, but only AFTER it turns out okay.             Questions are for the past, not the future. The future can not be questioned because it hasn't happened yet.             The past is made to ask yourself questions and reflect on what has happened and learn from it.             And if you've been needing attention, or wanting a sign, consider this as what you've been waiting for.             Hope this inspires somone. <3

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