El beso del final..(the kiss of the end)

Över.. allt verkar vara över. Om nu Jimmie skulle komma tillbaks så skulle jag ta med honom långt ifrån härifrån, det tipset fick jag idag.
Lät bra men jag är skeptisk över det.. undrar om livet skulle bli så bra.

There is in my heart an anxiety Today I see you so distant there is something that moves away me of your
love suddenly your you changed Today insecure I am The to be without you, himself that me hara to suffer

1 - Last night I senti, that you kissed me different AND he remain me without knowing that to do I know you
and itself that something does not walk well they See, dime the truth, do not I want to imagine That was the
kiss of the end

Oh, oh Not himself because has changed your attitude Ojala that all be an error do Not I want to verify that
you perdi Neither that I show love be finished I Hear a voice that sinks in my That repeats me again what do
not I want.

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